New Arrival: ‘Highlights’ !

Date: Thursday, 2nd November 2023

Author: Muyao Zhang

Hello World! As you may feel dizzy perusing our bulky collection of blogs online, we set up a new category ‘Highlights’ on our website and blog ‘Hello World! 2.0’ will be its starter.

You may wonder why bother? Now, let me tell you…

Firstly, ‘Highlights’ will give you a guideline without you steering among mountains of blogs, just like a catalogue. It will save your time and lead you to the particular topic you are interested in.

Secondly, a real journey is an ongoing one with consistent efforts and dedication. So, in ‘Highlights’, we use timeline to share with you our preparation throughout the whole year.

Thirdly, ‘Hello World! 2.0’ as a highlight blog will also reveal the links between different topics and different blogs as it talks through our past and future.  

One response to “Introducing ‘Highlights’: Streamlining FLL Learning #67”

  1. […] blog under the new category of ‘Highlights’ (further explained in blog No. 67) will be easier for all new visitors, students, parents or mentors to navigate among our whole […]

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