Rewind (Episode 3/3)

Date: Sunday, 22nd October 2023

Author: Muyao Zhang

Hello World!

Tip #8: Let’s dress up!

FLL is meant to be Fun and Inclusive, as promoted in Core Values, and hence, showing up for FLL in mufti or even in spectacular costumes will add spice to your team. Umm, let me guess what you are going to wear for this FLL season? ?

Tip #9: Be expressive!

As FLL embraces differences and creativeness, Robot Design is meant to be dazzling in every way. From my perspective, the base of the robot can be tough and plain-looking, whereas its attachments can be as complicated as possible. So, don’t hold back on Robot Design! Instead, let your character be known!

Tip #10: Finally, sit back and relax!

As your preparation for FLL is almost ending, it is time to relax and reflect. Remember that Coopertition®, described as cooperative competition, is showing us that learning is more important than winning. FLL says, “Teams can help others even as they compete.” But as you can see, our website has been helping numerous teams like you far before the competition day. Pleasure to help!   ?

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