Rewind (Episode 2/3)

Date: Saturday, 21st October 2023

Author: Muyao Zhang

Hello World!

Tip #5: Do the measurements smartly!

In Robot Game, the accuracy of the starting position of your robot is extremely important, however, bringing a ruler to game may seem weird or unacceptable. Meanwhile, assembling LEGO blocks into a ‘ruler’ or any other tool in need will look fancy and jaw-dropping. It also echoes perfectly with ‘Fun’ and ‘Impact’ among the Core Values! So, why not DIY a measurement tool for Robot Game?

Tip #6: Be creative with the ‘arms’ and ‘legs’!

To make the robot as versatile and efficient as possible, it might have various designs of attachments like the frolicking tentacles on an octopus. But remember, any ‘arms’ and ‘legs’ hanging beyond the mission table are allowed during Robot Game. So, using some colourful and ‘sprawling’ attachments on your robot is a brilliant idea!

Tip #7: Find a big timesaver!

Different missions must require different attachments, or different ‘arms’ and ‘legs’ of a robot, however, swapping between attachments consumes time. Therefore, a design similar to ‘Put on and Go’ is ideal. What I would recommend is a canopy-like structure erected on a solid base. The different attachments are like the roof and when placed on top, the robot can sail off immediately for the next mission. Easy and fast, right?

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