Let’s Work Even Smarter!

Date: Wednesday, 24th May 2023

Author: Muyao Zhang

Hello World! While we are waiting to build the mission models, our team met together on a weekly basis and brainstormed for innovative ideas regarding robot design and creation.

Particularly, with the help of Studio 2.0, our team members indexed every single piece of LEGO Education SPIKE Prime sets and categorised them into Core set and Expansion set. By doing so, we can design and build the robot respectively on our laptops first throughout the week rather than to wait for meeting together to build with Lego pieces. It helps us save time and labour as well as increase efficiency.

2 responses to “Bring More Wits to FLL 2023-24 Season #2”

  1. […] Team indexed Lego pieces in Studio 2.0. (Blog No.2) […]

  2. […] Team indexed Lego pieces in Studio 2.0. (Blog) […]

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