Hello World!
Date: Tuesday, 23rd May 2023
Author: Muyao Zhang

Hello World! This is Muyao Zhang, one of the team members from NewAI.
As 2023/2024 FIRST LEGO League (FLL) season kicked off in mid-May, we are ready to “rise and shine”, how about you? ?
Before setting off on our new journey, our team gathered around and brainstormed what we have learned from the past… Looking back 2022, although our team hasn’t managed to get a head-start in preparation for FLL, we assembled frequently bustling with project design, coding, testing, debugging, preparation of on-site presentation, etc. However, as we cheered for small victories and sighed at awful blunders, none of us has ever came up with the idea of forming a logbook or project-journal to record or present our progress and achievements on an on-going basis. It was up until the conclusion of our first round of FLL tournament that we realised the necessity of a logbook for team success.
If you are a novice in participating FLL, this is our 1st lesson we would like to share with you. Sharing and advancing together is our utmost motivation to launch this weekly web-blog, especially when there are going to be many new and young teams joining FLL this year, we are here to back you up! ?
But before you go, let me share with you briefly another nerve-racking “adventure” we embarked on last year — another important competition clashed with FLL in 2022, so our team had to split and juggle our participations between different venues. What a hectic season! ?
Please stay tuned for our next issue. ?
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